49 and/or 61 Ailesbury Rd

Names of men on this mission exist, but it is unclear if there were one or two suspected British agents targeted on Ailesbury Road possibly allocated to two distinct IRA units.

Seán MacCurtain refers to a Lieutenant-Colonel Brown residing at 61 Ailesbury Road

e John O’Shaughnessy refers to a target he names as Major Irvine residing at 49 Ailesbury Road. John Williams who would appear to have been part of the same unit as O’Shaughnessy refers to the target as Major Irwin.


Seán MacCurtain 24SP13202 Officer Commanding, G Company, 4 Battalion, Dublin Brigade, IRA

Arthur James Neilan MSP34REF1756  G Company, 4 Battalion, Dublin Brigade, IRA

Francis H Dowling MSP34REF6343 G Company, 4 Battalion, Dublin Brigade, IRA

Hugh O’Byrne MSP34REF20549 G Company, 4 Battalion, Dublin Brigade, IRA


John Williams MSP34REF1356 B Company, 4 Battalion, Dublin Brigade, IRA

John O’Shaughnessy MSP34REF2372  B Company, 4 Battalion, Dublin Brigade, IRA




Addresses raided by the IRA