Charles E Bulpitt

There are various spellings possible of Bullpitt, Bulpitt, Bullpit, but the above is the man we are after in Diublin at 98 Lower Baggot St

Looking at London Gazette. Charles Edward Bulpitt is the man. Officer file at TNA WO 374/10748

1896 Born Halifax, Canada

1901 with family at Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich

1911 census at Woolwich Barracks, his father is in RA

Enlisted in RAOC

1916 Aug Landed in Salonica

1917 Dec 20 Commissioned in RFA (on Medal Roll)

1919 Jun 21 The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be Lts. :C E Bulpitt

1920 Jan 14. The undermentioned appts. are made: — A.G's.& Q.M.G's. STAFF. Staff Capt.—It,. C. E. Bulpitt, R.F.A., Spec. Res., and to be temp. Capt. whilst so empld'.

1920 Aug 17. A.G's. & Q.M.G's. STAFF. Staff Capt.—Lt. C. E. Bulpitt, R.F.A., Spec. Res., relinquish his appt.and relinquishes the temp, rank of Capt.

1920 Sep 10. The undermentioned Lts. relinquish their commns.: — C. E. Bulpitt, and is granted the rank of Capt.

Collins papers have a number of reports on the Secret Service agent living at 98 Lower Baggot St.. Dated from Oct to Dec 1921

He walks to Parkgate HQ every day

1922 May 15 . Regular Army Reserve of Officers. R.H. & R.F.A, C. E. Bulpitt, late R.F.A., Spec. Res., to be Capt. 22nd Jan.1922, with seniority 28th May 1921

1923 May 24 Died Bangkok




Castle Intelligence