Guy George Houssemayne Du Boulay


1899 Oct 13 Born Al Qahirah , Egypt


1911 census at Sefton, Malden Road New Malden, Surrey

employed anong with BB Rhodes, WS Le Grand , EG Breen, JH Bessell, LW Adcock

1917 Oct 31. Enlists in RFC

1918 Jan 31 to 18 Jun Seved as OR in Egypt

1918 Jun 19. Commissioned 2nd Lt in RFC

1920 Jul 27.


1921 Apr 1. No longer Specially employed


1922 Aug Married at St. Mary's East Grinstead, Guy George Houssemayne-Du Boulay, R.A.F., only son of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Houssemayne-Du Boulay, of East Grinstead, and Raby Violet Emmeline, youngest daughter of Mr. Godfrey Knox, of Sally Park, Templeogue, Co. Dublin.

1924 Nov 19 . The following Flying Officers are granted permanent cornmns. in rank stated:—G. G. H. Du Boulay, Pilot Offr.

1939 Register. A visitor at 128, Piccadilly. He is divorced, a retired RAF Officer and working for Air Ministry

1941 Jun 1. Arrives New York. He is a Government Official with Diplomatic status

1942 Aug Sqn. Ldr. G. G. H. DU BOULAY (15187) is granted the rank of Wg. Cdr. (war subs.)

1943 Jun 21. Arrives New York. . He is Group Capt returning to duty in Washington DC

1946 Apr 5. Retires with rank of Group Capt

1946 May 3. Officer of Legion of Merit from USA. He is an acting Group Capt

1947 Oct 29. Travels to New York

1974 Apr 29 Died Dover, Kent

Castle Intelligence