Terence Hume Langrishe

Kipling Journal Sep 2015 has a biography of Langrishe. Terence Hume Langrishe was known as ‘Pingo' [back row, 2nd from left} in a photo with John Kipling (Rudyard's son "My boy Jack")

1895 Dec 9. Born , the second son of Sir Hercules Langrishe Bt. of Knocktopher Abbey in Kilkenny. He was born in London

1901 census at Knocktopher Abbey,

Knocktopher Abbey today is timeshare apartments

1911 census Educated at Eton and there in 1911 census

1915 Jan 23. Irish Guards, Terence Hume Langrishe to be Second Lieutenant (on probation).

There is some nice background on Langrishe in a Book of Memoirs by Rupert Grayson , who was also a subalten in the Irish Guards

1915 Aug. Lands in France

1915 Sep 10. Langrishe was transferred from the 2nd Battalion to 1st Battalion and then to the Reserve with the transport

1915 Oct 3. He was re transferred back to the 2nd Battalion to make up for casualties, fortunately avoiding the fateful advance on 21 September by 1st Battalion. On page 686 of the RAMC diaries for the Guards Div, 2 Lt Langrishe appears in 4th Field Ambulance with inflamed tonsils and is evacuated on 4th Oct 1915 to the CCS

1915 Oct 25. The 2nd Bn Diary from Sep to Dec 1915 has a nominal roll which lists all the officers and Langrishe is missing... suggesting he disappeared from the 2nd Bn between 3rd-24th Oct. The diary does not appear to have recorded his departure.

He remained in the 2nd Battalion, although he also served for a time back in England in 1916/1917 in the 3rd (reserve) Battalion.

1915 Dec 9. Second Lieutenant (on probation) Terence Hume Langrishe to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 9th December, 1915

1917 Nov He transferred to RFC and began pilot training

1919 Apr To 106 Squadron

1919 Nov Transfers back to Irish Guards, still a 2nd Lt (seems odd after 4 years to still be a 2nd Lt)

1920 Mar. Resigned his commission as 2nd Lt

1920 Sep 22. Terence Hume Langrishe, late 2nd Lt., I. Gds., to be temp. 2nd Lt. whilst specially empld.

1920 Nov 2. Became engaged to Barbara Cartland - Times announcement

1920 Nov 21 Among the Bloody Sunday murders was PA Ames who was engaged to a close friend of Barbara Cartland. Langrishe sent a telegram to Barbara Cartland asking her to break the news of Ames's death to her friend, She did this but broke off her own engagement to Langrishe. She later wrote "I knew that I was running away, but I couldn't bear being involved in death and murder, tears and unhappiness. I just wanted to dance, to forget wars and anything to do with them"

Millicent Orr Ewing was engaged to Peter Ames, who was killed, on Bloody Sunday. The telegram had been sent by her fiance nicknamed Pingo (this was Langrishe) who had gone out to Ireland with Peter Ames, both ex-officess, were ex- members of the Brigade of Guards, one serving in the Grenadier Guards, the other the Irish Guards. Both men had, finding no work in England, joined an organisation which was being sent to Ireland, or as Pingo informed her, " It had been decided there would be a small group of men sent from England as a special police force, it means I shall be away six months, I shall be earning £600 a year.' I will save every penny and then we can get married. Besides, this may lead to other things. I cannot get a job here and I cannot go on waiting. I want to marry you. 

1920 Dec 15. Temp. 2nd Lt. T. H. Langrishe (2nd Lt., ret.) relinquishes his commn. on ceasing to be empld., and retains the rank of 2nd Lt. He returned to England to try to recover his engagement to Miss Cartland, but was unable to do so.

1926 Jul 8. Married Joan Stuart Grigg

1939 Sep 17. Re-joined Army. 2nd Lt. Terence Hume LANGRISHE. (134994). He later gained the rank of Captain in the service of the Intelligence Corps.

1943 Oct 23. He succeeded to the title of 6th Baronet Langrishe, of Knocktopher, co. Kilkenny [I., 1777]

1973 Dec 31. Died

1981 The family seat Knocktoper Abbey was sold and is today timeshare apartments

Dublin Castle Intelligence