Edward Harry Lawes

medal card lawes e h lawes

1889 Oct 25 born Farnham,

1891 census

1891 census with his parents at Cycle Depth, Elms Rd, Aldershot. His father is a Cycle Agent

1901 census

1901 census, living with parents at 18 Cargate Av, Aldershot

1911 census

1911 census living with parents at Woodford House Cargate Terrace Aldershot and "assisting with the business"

1914 Nov 11 commissioned

1915 Jan 12 Arrives in France

1917 To be Temp Captain

1919 Jul 25 The undermentioned Capts, late R.A.S.C., to be Capts: E. H. Lawes. 25th July 1921, with seniority 13th Sept. 1919.

1919 Nov 13 . Relinquishes commission on termination of service. Temp capt and retains the rank of Captain

1920 directory gives him living at Woodford, Cargate, Aldershot

1923 honours list

1921 Jul 25. The undermentioned Capts, late R.A.S.C., to be Capts . E. H. Lawes. , with seniority 13th Sept. 1919

1922 Mar 25. Eddie Lawes enlisted in the Palestine Gendarmerie and served as the force's transport officer until it was disbanded in April 1926. In Palestine Gendarmerie as a Captain .

1923 Jan 2. Awarded MBE in "Irish List". I cannot find out what he got ir for.

1924 Sep 12 The Times

manslaugher e h lawes

1924 Nov 27 Edward Harry Lawes departs London for Port Said, Egypt. Age: 35. Occupation: (Army) Captain. Sailed on Caledonia. Presumably on his way back to Palestine.

1932 Jul 1. Died of veronal poisoning

death e h laws

1939 Oct 25 Having reached the age limit ceases to be in Reserve of Officers. I assume the Army did not know that he had died.

British Intelligence in Dublin Castle