The 2nd King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army, formed in 1914, which saw service in the First World War. It was formed of British colonial citizens who were in Britain at the start of the war.
1915 Jun 9. At Le Preol. B Squadron building a redoubt.. Relieved at 6pm by Lord Strathcona's Horse. Marched to billets at Le Quesnoy. Lt Osborne wounded.
1918 Sep 5 to 7. The British screen was commanded a Dunsterforce officer named Captain H E Osborne,. 2nd King Edward's Horse, and for his actions over the next three days earned him the MC
1920 Apr 1. AVALRY. 2nd K.E. Horse.—Capt. H. E. Osborne, M.C., relinquishes his commn., and retains the rank of Oapt
1920 Jul 8 Special Appointment Class II . His appointment was cancelled a few weeks later. So he never went to Ireland