Ivon Henry Price

An intelligence officer in Dublin HQ

1866 Born Dublin

1891 Joins RIC aged 25.

1901 census living at 4 Town Parks, Athboy, Meath

1911 census living in Tyone, Nenagh East Urban, Tipperary with his family

1916 Working in Military Intelligence in Dublin Castle

1917 Jan 15. Gazetted MID

1917 Jan 24 Gazetted DSO. Temp. Maj. Ivon Henry Price, Spec. List.

31st January, 1919 Jan 31. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of the undermentioned reward for valuable service rendered in connection with the War:— to be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel- Temporary Major I. H. Price, D.S.O., Special List.

The Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) was first introduced by the British Government in August 1914. This act was used to subject Irish citizens to trial by court-martial and to deportation without trial by civil law. DORA was applied with renewed intensity after Lord French had accepted the office of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on May 5th, 1918, on the understanding that he did so, in his words, as a military viceroy at the head of a quasi-military government. In that capacity French issued a proclamation, on May 16th, 1918, which led to the arrest and deportation of some 200 leading Sinn Féiners without trial. The arrests were only made possible by the information provided by the RIC and communicated to the army by Major Ivon Price, chief intelligence officer at the Irish military command.

1919 Feb 1. The undermentioned relinquish their comms, on completion of service: Temp. Maj. & Bt. Lt.Col. I. H. Price, D.S.O., 1st Feb. 1919, and retains the Bt. rank of Lt.-Col.

1920 Nov 9. Appointed Assistant Inspector General of RIC

1931 Oct/Dec. Died Hartley Wintney, Hampshire, England

1931Nov Probate granted to Ivon Kinahan Price.