IRA Intelligence photo of identified men from "Secret Service, Dublin Castle"
1884 Jun 25. Born Kent
1891 census Living in Kent
1901 census at boarding school in Kent
1911 Census Living in 1 Kensington Mansions
1919 Jun 29. Lt. (actg. Capt.) J. D. Rogers, 2nd London Div. Train, relinquishes the actg. rank of Capt. on ceasing to be empld.
1920 Jul 7. Special Appointment Class II
1921 Jul 26. RASC Lt. J. D. Rogers, from 47th .(Loud.) Divl. Train, to be Capt.
1923 Mar 7. RFA 91st (4th Lond.) Bde. —Capt. J. D. Rogers, from T.A. Res., R.A.S.C., to be Capt.
1924 Oct 1. Married Maud Hayward
1931 Jun 23. Appointed Commander of Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
1939 Register Living at Town End House, Wareham , Dorset with wife Maud
1942 Aug 4. His wife died
1956 Jan 2. MBE gazetted. Captain John DOCWRA-ROGERS, Member of the Chapter-General of the Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
1967 Sep 20. Died . DOCWRA-ROGERS. On Sept 20 1967, peacefully at Christchurch Hospital, Captain John Docwra-Rogers aged 83 years. Royal Artillery (Retd.), M.B.E., Knight of St John and for 33 years Sword Bearer to that Order, of 10, Cavendish Road, Bournemouth, and formerly of Corfe Castle. “Under the shadow of the sword is paradise” R.I.P. Requiem mass at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Bournemouth, on Monday Sept.25, at 12.15 p.m., followed by burial at Kingston, Dorset.
British Intelligence, Dublin Castle
WO 374/58855 |