Capt Frederick Harper-Shove

harper stove

He seems to have had a few problems inflating his awards. His MIC reflects that there were complaints about him wearing medals to which he was not entitled. And later in life, his papers in Herbal Medicine show him to be Lt-Col, a rank to which he was not entitled, having retired as a Captain.

1886 Jul 30 Born Frederick Harper Shove at Hackney vol 1b p546.

1891 census shove

1891 census. Living at 67 St Garmans Rd, Lewisham with grandparents and father (his father is a fur salesman)

901 shove parents

1901 Census. Parents living at 12 Carlton Mansions, Paddington. His parents are now living by themselves. I cannot find him in census

1911 census I cannot find him in census. He must have gone to Public School (in years 1899 to 1904 approx) and on to university until about 1907)

1914 Oct 11. The Public Schools Corps were a strange looking lot of men. Thcy met at Epsom in " their old things." Somc wcar old public-school scarves and college sweaters. The popular fancy in head-covcring is thc golf-cap, usually worn wcll over the left car. Thc rest of thc raiment is nondescript, bcing mostly grcy or brown shooting or riding outfit. But the boots, thcy wcrc madc hcavy, and they clatter well on thc pavements. Each "name " of thcsc boys is denoted by a cardboard badge which hc wears in thc lapel of his coat, bcaring thc lcttcrs in bluc U.P.S. Thc officers arc distinguishcd by a red sign .... The U.P.S. was in one sense the most democratic Brigade in the Army. Nearly all the men started level, and were promoted according to their ability. On Oetober 11 the first lot of rifles were received, 200 to eaeh battalion.

1914 Oct 13, the King inspected the Brigade. By His Majesty's requcst no review movements were arranged, thc men being seen under ordinary training conditions. The 18th Battalion (1st Public Schools) and 19th Battalions (2nd Public Schools) paraded on Epsom Downs near the Grand Stand. The King, who was accompanied by Major Clive Wigram, inspected each company, walking down the ranks. After a visit to Woodcote Pro'k, where two companies were busy helping to erect the huts, the King went on to Ashtead, where he saw the 21st Battalion. Then the journey was continued to Leatherhead, where the 20th Battalion was inspected. In conversation with the officers after the inspection, the King said he had inspected 200,000 recruits, and the members of the Public School Brigade were the finest he had seen. His Majcsty also expressed surprise at the advanced stage of thc training in so short a time. In The London Gazette on October 26, the following list of appointments made to the Brigade appeared: 2nd Battalion (19th Royal Fusiliers) ....To be temp. Capts : Frederick H. Shove,

medal card Harper shove shove medal card
complaint about Haeper shove  

1914 Oct 27 Temp Capt Frederick H Shove from a Service Battalion [18th (Service) Battalion (1st Public Schools)] to be temp Capt. Dated 5 Sept 1915 but with seniority from this date. Gazette

1915 Jun 26: 18th (Service) Battalion (1st Public Schools) attached to 98th Brigade, 33rd Division.

1915 Nov 18th (Service) Battalion (1st Public Schools) Landed in France

1915 Nov 27: 18th (Service) Battalion (1st Public Schools) transferred to 19th Brigade, 33rd Division.

1916 Feb 26: 18th (Service) Battalion (1st Public Schools) transferred to GHQ; disbanded on 24 April 1916 with many of the men being commissioned as officers.

1917 Jun 15 Temp Capt F H Shove attached Royal Fusiliers and to be transferred to General List Gazette

1917 Jun 6. To be Captain, Temp Capt F H Shove from a Service Battalion Gazette

1919 Jul 7. Special Appointment Class HH, Capt F H Shove, R Fusiliers Gazette

1919 Oct 2. Special Appointment Class GG, Capt F H Shove, R Fus from temp Capt Service Battalion Gazette

1919 Oct 2. Capt seconded for service on the Staff. F H Shove Gazette

1919 Sept 4 Award of Belgian Croix de Guerre Gazette attached XIX. Corps Headquarters

1920 Mar 1. Special Appointment Class FF, Capt F H Shove, Royal Fusiliers. Gazette

tomes harper shove 1920

The Irish Bulletin issues captured British documents written on the 15th January  1921 and the 8th April 1921 which were written on Dáil notepaper.  This calls into question the statement from the Chief Commissioner of the DMP (issued on the 27th May) that no Dáil notepaper had been seized by detectives in their raid on Dáil HQ the previous November.  More significantly, the Bulletin also published a report from Capt F. Harper-Shove of the British General staff and in charge of Intelligence in the Dublin district and claimed that an expert was prepared to swear that the typewriter on which this report was typed was the same typewriter on which the death notices were typed which were sent to Dáil member the previous May.  Finally, the Bulletin published a letter from F. Harper-Stove from St. Andrew’s Hotel, Exchequer St., Dublin to “Dear Hardy” saying that “Have been given a free hand to carry on, and everyone has been charming.  Re our little stunt, I see no prospects until I have things on a firmer basis, but still hope and believe there are possibilities”.  The Bulletin claims that the "little stunt" is the assassination of leaders of Sinn Féin.

1920 Aug 4. He is certainly involved with the recruiting and training of spies for Dublin in London at the spy school in Hounslow

1920 Nov 30 Special Appointment Class FF Capt F H Shove, Royal Fusiliers. (Times) .

1925 Apr 1. To be an instructor at RAF School of Photography. Graded FF. Capt F H Shove, Royal Fusiliers. (in Times)

1929 Jun 1. Capt F H Shove is restored to the establishment of Royal Fusiliers.

1931 Jul 30. Retired on retired pay as he has reached retirement age.

1932 Capt F Harper-Shove at 19 Colin Gardens, London NW4

1933, 1934 Phone book; Capt F Harper-Shove Dietitian, 201 Hendon Way N.W.4

1936 Removed from Reserves as he has reached that age. Capt F H Shove.

1938. Prescriber and Clinical Repertory of Medicinal Herbs by Capt F. Harper-Shove (1938) A minor masterpiece, long out of print, Harper-Shove assembled the first British repertory for herbalists. It follows the same model and organization as the classic homeopathic repertories.

THE AUTHOR IS a consultant psychologist who has never used any medicaments except herbal ones in the treatment of patients. His interest in this form of therapy was aroused as a result of studying the ways in which gypsies employ herbs for healing, their knowledge being passed from mother to daughter through the generations. This knowledge supplies the groundwork of the book, which is supplemented by Colonel Harper-Shove's own subsequent experience of many other herbs


1942 Jan 26 Marries Rosa Bergna. He has now added the qualifications D Sc and F F Sc

1974 died Gateshead vol 1a p2019


British Intelligence at Dublin Castle