Leslie Eric Sheldon Stokes, OBE

IRA photo of F Coy, identified as Major Stokes of Secret ServiceRight family photo

stokes medal card

mic back


1892 Apr 25 Born at Southfleet, Dartford, Kent. He was the only child of Ernest James Stokes and Frances Augusta (née Neale). His father was the schoolmaster at the village school in Southfleet and also the clerk and secretary of the Parish Council. His mother Frances also worked in the school as a teacher.

1901 census Living with his father Ernest, a schoolmaster at 4 Warren Cottages, Southfleet, Dartford, Kent

He was educated at the village school in Southfleet and then attended Gravesend Grammar School. 

On leaving school at the age of 18 he enlisted in the Rhodesian Horse and on the outbreak of WW1 he enlisted in the 2nd King Edwards’ Horse where he was quickly promoted to Sergeant. (source Gravesend Northfleet Standard 19 October 1915 p.02)

1910 Jul 23. On leaving school at the age of 18 he travelled to Cape Town in South Africa sailing on the Union-Castle Mail Steamship “Galeka” . His noted employment was the British South Africa Police, which operated in Rhodesia. This promising young officer immediately on leaving school joined the Rhodesian Horse.

1914 On the outbreak of war he joined the 2nd King Edward’s Horse, from which distinguished regiment he was quickly promoted to Sergeant, and received a commission into the Royal Field Artillery, in December 1914.

1914 Dec 4. Leslie, who was known as ‘Dasher’, was then commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. After receiving training he was rapidly promoted to Lieutenant in April 1915 and then to Captain in September before being posted overseas to France with the BEF on 18 September 1915, where he served with 115 Brigade, Ammunition Column. 

1915 Sept 15. To be temp Captain

1915 Sep 18 Lands in France

1918 Jun 29 Marries Mavis Kathleen Macartney in Hammersmith, London

1919 Mar 18. After the Armistice he was posted to the British Salonika Force where he was attached to the General Headquarters.

1919 Jun He was awarded the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (Military) in the King’s Birthday Honours for services rendered in connection with military operations in the Balkans

1919 Jun 17. Temp. Capt. L. E. S. Stokes, O.B.E., to be acting. Major whilst commanding a Divisional Ammunition Column, from 17th June 1919 to 17th Jan. 1920.

1920 Jan 18. The undermentioned relinquish their commission completion of service: Temp. Capts., and are granted the rank of Maj. : L. E. S. Stokes, O.B.E.

1920 Aug 16. Major L E S Stokes OBE late RFA is gazetted as specially employed. Maj. L. E. S. Stokes, O.B.E.; late R.F.A., to be temp. Maj. whilst specially empld. 16th Aug. 1920. On same list is 2nd Lt. T.S. Leeming, late Service Bn., Royal W. Kent. Regt., to be temp. 2nd Lt. while specially employed 16 Aug 1920

Major Stokes comes up a number of times in Dwyer's "The Squad"


One of the extra men on Boyds letter

1921 Apr 1. Relinquishes his commission

1922 Gets OBE

1924. A few years after he returned to England his first marriage ended with divorce. His wife in fact married Hewison in Dec 1924

1939 he married Olive M Boughey, they lived at Park Hall Farm in the village of Whittington in Shropshire and he worked as a commission agent.

On the outbreak of WW2 Leslie re-joined the Royal Artillery as Major 49039 in the 53 Heavy Regt, Royal Artillery.

1941 Mar 11. L E S Stokes died. Service no 49039. CWGC shows him as a Major in 53 Heavy Regt, age 47 and son of Ernest James Stokes and Frances Stokes, of Southfleet; husband of Olive M. Stokes, of Whittington, Shropshire.

Major Stokes was 47 years old when he died. His funeral at St Nicholas church in Southfleet was held on Tuesday 18 March and was attended by many family and friends. The plain oak coffin was brought to Southfleet by Captain K. Chubb and a military escort. Beautiful floral tributes were carried by each soldier who were from the deceased Major's unit. 

Dublin Castle Intelligence