John Francis Dymoke Tanqueray


1893 Apr 30 Born London. Son of Alfred Dymoke and Fanny Sarah Tanqueray (nee Wilson)

1901 census at Thorpe le Soken, Essex, England

1911 census with uncle at Ormsary, 22 Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth

1911 Apr 22 Arrives in USA with his parents, en-route to Winnipeg, Canada

1912 Dec - 1914 Aug Worked in Engineering Coy, McColl Bros in Winnipeg

1914 Sep 232 Attested to CEF - papers online

1916 Nov 8. Canadian Engineers. To be Temp Lt - No. 5321 Serjt. J. F. D. Tanqueray

1918 Jan 20. Can. Engrs. Temp. Lt. J. F. D. Tanqueray is seed, for duty with the R.A.F.

1918 Jul 31. At some point flew DH4 #D8398 with 57 squadron. Lieutenant Andrew MacGregor, Scottish pilot of 57 Sqn of the RFC, recorded today, together with his observer-gunner, Lieutenant J. F. D. Tanqueray, on the D.H.4 D8398, his first aerial victory by shooting down a Fokker D.VII. McGregor will later become an "Ace" of WW1, and will total 6 aerial victories.

1918 Aug 8– the Battle of Amiens The squadron undertook early morning very low level bombing raids, taking off from 7.10am to attack in support of ground forces and were in heavy combat. ... in DH4 serial D8398 crew Lt A MacGregor and Lt JFB Tanqueray (Canadian) shot down a second Fokker DVII which also went down out of control, ...

1918 Aug 12 - 18. Royal Air Force Communique No.20 covering the period 12 – 18 August 1918 recorded the actions of No. 57 Squadron crews at some length. “A formation of 57 Sqn was attacked on returning from a bombing raid. One Enemy Aircraft which got on the tail of Captain A MacGregor was shot down by his observer Lieut JFD Tanqueray, the pilot being seen to jump out in a parachute just before the machine caught fire

1918 Oct 29. The undermentioned 2nd Lts. to be actg. Capts. whilst empld. as Capts. (O.) :— (Hon. Lt.) J. F. D. Tanqueray

1918 Nov 7 . Communique #32. Lieut R F H Norman & Capt J F D Tanqueray, 55 IF, FokkerDVII out of control Saarbrücken at 14:30/ 15:30

1919 May 1. 2nd Lt. (Hon. Lt.) J. F. D. Tanqueray, D.F.C., to be graded for purposes of pay an'd allowances as- Capt. whilst empld. as Capt.(O)

1919 May 3. Gazetted DFC for distinguished services during the war

1919 Aug 6. Relinquishes commission on ceasing to be employed. (Hon. Lt.) J. F. D. Tanqueray (Lt., Can. Engrs.).

1920 Jul 27. Special Appointment Class II and re-commissioned as Capt

1921 Apr 1. Relinquishes commission on ceasing to be employed

1921 Apr 21 On a raid in Dublin (with unnamed members of Special Branch)

1922 Sep 22. Reg Army Reserve of Officers . Intelligence. —'Capt. J. F. D. Tanqueray, D.F.C., late Gen. List, to be Capt., 20th Sept. 1922, with seniority 15th Jan. 1922.

1923 Nov 9 Arrives New York from UK. He is a Civil Engineer and final destination is Canada

1925 Jun 16. Victoria Daily Times.. "prior to the opening of the murder trial, Capt John F D Tanqueray, was released when the Grand Jury exonerated him from blame in the death of George Llewel yn Wood in an automobile accident in Dallas Rd, last October

1926 Apr 20 . A child born, John Meyrick Tanqueray. He died Jul 1927

1926 Oct 19 . Married in Canada. Name: John F D Tranqueray Gender: Male Spouse Name: Marguerite Browne Spouse Gender: Female Marriage Date: 19 Oct 1926 Marriage Location: Victoria

1931 Aug. Appears to be at Town Planning Commission, Edmunton, Alberta, Canada

1933 while living in Edmonton he was charged with indecent assault and while convicted was ultimately successful in winning his release from prison through an appeal court decision. After getting out of prison in 1933 he and his wife moved to the town of Sylvan Lake, Alberta, where in 1935 he designed the cenotaph.

1936 Apr 24 His wife Marguerite died. Buried Red Deer, Canada

1938 May 8. Arrives UK from Canada. Intending to live in Essex

1938 Oct/Dec Married in Surrey to Eve Constance Redknap.

1939 Sep 28 Gets a new RAF commission as Squadron Leader. John Francis Dymoke TANQUERAY (74742)

1939 Register. At Waldorf Hotel with wife Eve. He is Retired, Squadron Leader in RAFVR

1940 Jan 20 The undermentioned Squadron Leaders relinquish their commissions on account of ill-health. John Francis Dymoke TANQUERAY (74742).

1940 Mar 21. Died Tayscote Rd, Burbage, Wiltshire, England. Home was 19 Mount Ararat Rd, Richmond, Surrey Probate granted to his widow Eve.C.Tanqueray: in the sum of £552 12sh 6d.

"Mentor L4395 dived into the ground on the 21st March 1940 near Hinckley, the Pilot Sgt. R C Edwards and a civilian casualty employed by the Camouflage Department at Air Ministry, an attached unit of 24 Squadron, were both killed." AVIA W745 L4395 Mentor 21/03/1940 mentions this incident. "civilian casualty employed by the Camouflage Department" is John F D Tanqueray. The aircraft was in transit from Hendon to Kirkbride and was being flown in cloud when it is believed the pilot lost control and the aircraft dived steeply into the ground. The sortie was recorded as a aerial survey and cross country.

CWGC. Son of Alfred Dymoke and Fanny Sarah Tanqueray. Died in an air crash at Burbage Woods.

British Intelligence Ireland