Major John Travers de Saulez Washington, Royal Marine Light Infantry

His service record has 'Special Service, Ireland' 1920. H|is wife worked for MI5: Mrs Gladys Mary Washington (nee Horbury) 4 Feb 1918 to 30 June 1918 Clerical Staff born 1885.


1882 Jun 30 Born


1909 married Gladys Mary Horbury




1920 Sep 14 Maj. John T. de S. Washington, R.M.L.I., tobe Maj., vice Fletcher.



1926 Aug 4. Royal Marines. Major J. T. de S. Washington is placed on Half Pay at own request.

1931 Oct 2. Promoted Lt Col

1934 Jul 3 placed on retired list because of age and to be Col (retd)




Castle Intelligence