Alfred Ernest Halestrap


The only MIC possible

1884 Apr 13 born Pimlico, London

1891 census at Abbots Dene, King Charles Road, Kingston, Surbiton

1901-1905 Enlisted in Surrey Yeomanry Time expired. He was a clerk with Kingston County Council.

1902 Marries in Wandsworth

1908 May 27 -1915 Again in Surrey Yeomanry

1914 May 5. Promoted Corporal

1914 Aug 5. Embodied.

1914 OCt/Dec marries Mary D Newson at Staines

1915 Jan 3. Promoted Sergeant

1915 Jan 16 Posted to France

1915 Apr 5. Back to UK

1915 Dec 12. Commissioned 2nd Lt in Army Ordnance Corps. He had been employed for 11 years in Surrey County Court, Kingston

1916 Sep 20. Leaves UK for Salonica

1916 Oct 2. Arrives in Salonica

1916 Oct 3. The undermentioned temp. Lts. to be temp. Capts. whilst holding a special appt.: — A. E. Halestrap. Army Ordnance Dept. He is officer in charge of indents in Salonica

1917 Jan 21. Posted for temp duty as Deputy Assistant Director Ordnance Services

1917 Mar 25. Returns to Salonica

1917 Jul 16. Relinquishes the acting rank of Captain

1917 Jul 17. He is invalided to UK from Salonica

1918 Apr 9. Posted to Ravensthorpe as Ordnance Officer in charge of part worn clothing

1918 Sep 13.

1919 Aug 5. The undermentioned temp. Lts. relinquish the actg. rank of Capt.: A. E. Halestrap, on ceasing to hold a Spec. Appt.

1919 Aug 5. Relinquish their commissions. Temp. Lts., and are granted the rank of. Capt. A.E. Halestrap

1920 Jun 17. Appointed a commission as temp Capt

1920 Jun 17. The undermentioned Capts. to be temp. Capts. wihilst specially empld. : A. E Halestrap, late R.A.O.C. Class II . Also on the list are (note a number of there are being re-activated) CP Foley, LGR de Barclay, S Williams, GS Taylor, JR Coltman, WIB Warn, JH Licence

spec employ

He then works in Intelligence in Dublin

1920 Aug 1. Appointed to Class HH Special Appointment

1921 Apr 1. On ceasing to be employed, the following resign their commissions.: Temp. Capts., and retain the rank of Capt.— A. E. Halestrap (Capt., ret.). from General List.

1st Apr. 1921. On ceasing be empld.: —
Temp. Capts., and retain the rank of Capt.—
E. G. Bodger (Capt., ret.).
A. E. Halestrap {C'apt., ret.).
Temp. Lts., and retain the rank of Lt.—
T. W. Biggs (Lt., ret.). '
D. C. M. Curtis {Lt., ret.).

1936 Remarried in Hove to Gertrude H Lunn

1942 Mar , died Winchester


Intelligence Dublin Castle