Major Reginald Ingram Marians OBE

marians mic marians medal

1887 Mar 29 . Born Kensington. Son of Isaiah Marians (b. 1854, Poland Find   all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Jan 1898) and Gertrude Grunebaum ( b. 1865, LondonFind   all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1955 )

marians 1891 census

1891 census living with his parents. His father was born in Poland and was a merchant trading with China and Japan. They are living at 50 Barratt Rd, Kensington

1910 census

1901 census - still living at same address, but his mother is now widowed

1909 Sep 30 To be 2nd Lt in 2nd London Regt

1911 census living at 18 Pembridge Cresent Notting Hill W with his family

1912 Jul 15 Appointed Instructor in Musketry in 2nd London Regt

1914 Oct 29 Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between Sidney Wolffing and Reginald Ingram Marians, carrying on business as Agents, Importers, and Manufacturers, at 8 Manchester Avenue, Aldersgate Street, in the city of London, has been dissolved by mutual consent..

1915 Nov 30 Captain Reginald I. Marians to be temporary Major.

1916 Jun 1. Capt. (temp. Maj.) R. I. Marians to be with precedence as from Ist June 1916.

1918 Nov 29 . GSO temp appointment D.A.A.G.—Maj. R. I. Marians, Lond. R.,. T.F., from a Staff Capt.

1918 May 13 . Staff Capt.—Maj. R. I. Marians, Lond. R. T.F., vice-Capt A. H. Wilkie, K.R. Rif. C.

1918 Nov 29. Staff Capts.—Capt. T. D. M. Bartley, Lan. Fus.,.T.F.; vice Maj. R. I. Marians, Lond R., T.F.

1918 Nov 29 . D.A.A.G.—Maj. R. I. Marians, Lond. R.,T.F., from a Staff Capt. 29th Nov. 1918

1920 May 1. D.A.A.G.—Maj. R. I. Marians, O.B.E., 2nd Lond. R., T.F., relinquishes his appt. 1st May 1920.

1920 May 1. G.S.Os., 2nd Grade.—Maj. R. I. Marians, O.B.E., 2nd Lond. R,, T.F. Major Marians was appointed by General Macready as military liason with the press. Head of the Press Section of the General Staff,

1920 Oct 20 Much was made of Barry’s age by the Irish newspapers, but the British military were to point out that the three soldiers who had been killed were “much the same age as Barry.” On 20 October, Major Reginald Ingram Marians OBE, Head of the Press Section of the General Staff, informed Basil Clarke, Head of Publicity, that Washington was “only 19 and that the other soldiers were of similar ages.” General Macready, was well aware of the “propaganda value of the soldier’s ages.” General Macready informed General Sir Henry Wilson on the day that sentence was pronounced “of the three men who were killed by him (Barry) and his friends two were 19 and one 20 — official age so probably they were younger... so if you want propaganda there you are." It was later reported that one of the infantrymen was as young as 15 years old.

1922 Jul 24 2nd Bn., Lond. B.—Maj. R. I. Marians, O.B.E., to be seed, under the conditions of para. 112 T.A. Regns.

1923 Feb 17. GSO 2nd Grade.—Maj. R. I. Marians, O.B.E., 2nd City of Lond. R., T,A.

1923 Mar 6 Awarded Territorial Decoration 2nd Bn., London. R.—Maj. R. I. Marians, O.B.E.

1923 Aug 1 . 2nd Bn. Lond. R.—Maj. R. I. Marians, O.B.E., T.D., resigns his commn., and retains the rank of Maj.

marriage marrians

Married 1926 Dec 15

legal marians

1927 to 1933 living at 49 Ashworth Mans Elgin Av W.9

1934 to 1977 living at 26 St Johns Wood Terrace, London

1978 died Feb. 1978 at Camden, London, no children.

His parents grave at Willesden Jewish Cemetery

Military Propoganda