Capt George de Brisay Wooldridge

wooldridge swb

1882 Oct/Dec Birth registered Wandsworth "George De Bresy Wooldridge"

1884 Oct 26 Baptised. Wandsworth, London

1891 census a visitor aged 7, with his father a Dramatic Actor and Author Leoteck B Wooldridge and mother Mary E Wooldridge

1901 Not on census

1904 Nov 10. Leaves UK for New York on SS Oceanic

1913 Jan/Mar marries Louise S Wells at Strand, London

1914 Dec 14 Commissioned 8th (Isle of Wight Rifles, "Princess Beatrice's ' ) Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment; the undermentioned to be Captains (temporary). George de Brisay Wooldridge

He appears to join 2/8 Hants, a Territorial Battalion. Hants 2/8th (Isle of Wight Rifles, Princess Beatrice's) Battalion Formed at Newport (Isle of Wight) in December 1914 as a home service ("second line") unit. Moved to Hursley Park and then on to Bournemouth. 1 September 1916 : absorbed by 4th Reserve Bn. I assume that he did not go overseas, and hence no Medal Index Card.

1916 Aug 10. Capt G de B Wooldridge relinquishes his commission in Hants Regt. on the grounds of ill-health.

1920 Aug 6. To be temp Capt while "Specially Employed" (Bodger and Peel are on same group)

Dwyer's The Squad refers to Wooldridge working with Stokes. Also there is a record of him showing Neligan doctored ammunition, marked ZZ, that the British were feeding the republicans - the bullets were booby-trapped and would explode.

1921 Apr 1 Ceases to be employed

1924 Dec 6. died Marylebone, London

1924 Jan 17 Probate

Dublin Castle Intelligence