Lt Philip Attwood, Royal Sussex Regt


1889 Mar 22 born Croydon vol 2a p91

1891 census

1891 census. Family living at Ravensbury, Harcourt Rd, Wallington, Surrey. Father, Henry is a wholesale druggist.

1901 census

1901 Staying with widowed mother and his brother, visiting at 10 Grafton Rd, Worthing

1911 census I have not been able to find him

Private in Kings Royal Rifle Corps R5799 (R/ prefix men were New Army )

1914 Nov 23. Arrived France. Implication that he went as a draft to 1st or 2nd Battalion.

Commissioned in Royal Sussex Regt

1917 July 1 Royal Sussex Regiment. The undermentioned temp. 2nd Lt. to be temp. Lt.: — P. Attwood. Gazette

1917 Oct-Dec Married at Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England to Joyce Winifred Wiseman Vol3b, p 1365

1919 Aug 3. Temp. Lt. P. Attwood, Service Battalion, Royal Sussex Regt., to be acting. Capt. whilst commanding a Trench Mortar Battery, from 3rd Apr. to 23rd Aug. 1919. Gazette

The reference to Attwood is half way down second column.

1920 Apr 20 Attwod signs the letter referred to above

1920 Jun 1 Special Appointment Class GG. Temp. Lt. P. Attwood, Serv. Bn., R. Suss. R. Gazette . The Special Appointment must have been in Intelligence at Dublin Castle

1920 Oct 11 Attwood was in charge of the raid on Carolan's house in Drumcondra in which Major Smyth Capt White and were killed and Breen and Treacy escaped

1921 Jan A large number of the Secret Service Special Appointment men were on a raid . I assume that this list should not have been included in the archives.

P Attwood, RD Jeune, W Turner-Coles, EEJ Shiner, PA Mules, V de Sarigny, RH Leigh Bennett, GT Sugden, RM Debney

1921 Apr 1. Royal Sussex Regt. Temp. Lt. P. Attwood relinquishes his commission on completion of service, and retains tihe rank of Lt. .Gazette

1921 Jun 23 . Intelligence. Lt. P. Attwood, late R. Sussex R., to be Lt., 18th Sept. 1925, with seniority 23rd June 1921. Gazette

boddington to boyd boyd to childs

1923 Jan 1. Gazetted MBE

1925 Sep 18. Intelligence, Lt P Attwood, Late Royal Sussex, to be Lt with seniority from 23 Jun 1921.

1935 Mar 17 died in Southwark, London, England

1939 Mar 22 General List Intelligence. Lt. P. Attwood, having attained the age limit of liability to recall, ceases to belong to the Res. of Off. Gazette



British Intelligence at Dublin Castle