George Townley Sugden

medal card sugden

1891 Jun 1. Born Wandsworth, London

1899 Sep Enters Great Yarmouth Grammar School in Norfolk as a boarder until Jul 1903

1911 census living at Ealing Brentford

1915 Nov 14 Landed in France

1916 Jul 7 Commissioned 2nd Lt in R Northumberland Fus

1918 Jan 9 Promoted Lt

1920 Jun 10 Class II Special Appointment. Lt. G. T. Sugden, late Gen. List, to be temp. Lt. whilst specially empld.

special appointment

1921 Jan A large number of the Secret Service Special Appointment men were on a raid . I assume that this list should not have been included in the archives.

P Attwood, RD Jeune, W Turner-Coles, EEJ Shiner, PA Mules, V de Sarigny, RH Leigh Bennett, GT Sugden, RM Debney


1921 Apr 1. Relinquishes commission on ceasing to be employed

1957 Died Eton Bucks